Berlin, Germany

Berlin, Germany

The food is amazing. The first couple of days I was scared to try unfamiliar things but after tasting the McDonalds and Subway and realizing how horrible their version of fast food was, I was more willing to step outside of my comfort zone. There is sandwich shops, chinese restaurants, sushi, McDonalds, polish stops, and my favorite, bagel shops everywhere! My favorite bagel is the italian bagel with mozzarella cheese, spinach, green pesto sauce, and tomato, toasted with a dash of salt! Now, I would never order this in the states, maybe thats not the case though. I can't think of any restaurant in the areas I'm in where I could even order this.
The pop here goes flat after you open it the first time, so if want to burp you must down your coke or sprite as soon as you open it. Food, coffee and tea is def a major part of Berlin booming culture. Everyone takes time out of there day to enjoy a nice meal over tea or coffee and I have found a new appreciation for these things as well.

The nightlife is like no other! First off, I have been to 3 different clubs and did not have to pay to get in at all and they all were crowded to the max! Now, besides the fact that they played YMCA on the dance floor in one spot, which was a major turn off, I am having a blast. The club I went to last night had 6 different dance floors and u got 3 shots of whatever you wanted on the house plus a legit coatcheck.
And lets not forget that you can drink on the streets! No, not just a cocktail but beer, vodka, cognac, all that good stuff. Right out the bottle on the streets and walk pass the police and speak!

But I have one question for everybody!!
Where the hell is WALMART?! I never knew the importance of a Walmart or Target before because they are so conveniently accessible to me in the States but there is no place to get the little things from for cheap such as hangers, sheets, towels, school supplies. Its the little things that seem to matter the most that I never appreciated before.

I have met a lot of cool people since my arrival. My friend Sidi Epiwong is from London, her parents are Nigerian and German. She has lived a little bit of everywhere and gave me alot of the ins and outs of the city. I have already had racial encounters with a few people. Weird stares and all that other stuff but the people who have welcomed me into there space have all been amazing. Actually, last night, I went to the club with these two girls that I randomly met on the train. They were excited to know someone from Chicago but little did they know, I was even more excited to be with them. I do find it funny that most of black people I meet are Africans but the African women like white men and they all tell me that the African men are aggressive. Seeing how I love me some dark chocolate, I will consider these things before getting too comfortable with anyone.

Anywho my loves, I am in need of a camera. I want a nice Canon or Nikon camera with a changeable lense, kind of expensive but I can not continue my adventure in Europe with no way to capture the moments so that I could share them with my loves!

Sincerely yours from Berlin, Germany,

The Artist....